As I write, the gorgeous strains of Mozart and Beethoven still ring in my ears from this past weekend’s performances, brilliantly conducted by our maestro Ernesto Estigarribia Mussi. Our musicians hit the ball out of the park! Look for more of the same in our season finale on May 4th. Guest cellist, Amit Peled, will perform the Dvořák Cello Concerto and Sibelius’ 2nd Symphony will round out the program.
As our current season nears its end, we look forward to the 2025-26 offerings, which include two big celebrations: the seventy-fifth anniversary of the MSO and the 250th anniversary of our country. Expect our season announcement to reach you soon.
In addition to MSO’s symphony concerts, our Music on the Hill chamber music series showcases musicians from the Minnesota Orchestra and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra. Our See Hear Play family series goes into libraries and senior community centers, bringing history to life with stories of composers and performances by an MSO string quartet.
Memories from the current season of MSO collaborating with the Mankato Ballet for The Nutcracker and an outstanding choir of local singers for Mozart’s Requiem remind how a community works together. In that spirit we send this letter to ask for your support, whether you are a potential first-time giver or a longtime recurring donor. It takes a village to make our concerts happen.
Whatever you can give makes a difference, a positive difference both on the stage and in our community. Please use this opportunity to support the Mankato Symphony Orchestra with a tax-deductible donation today. Truly, every dollar impacts our community in some good way.
We thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to the Mankato Symphony.

Executive Director
Mankato Symphony Orchestra

Sponsor Levels
Diamond Sponsor — $10,000+
Platinum Sponsor — $7,500-$9,999
Gold Sponsor — $5,000-$7,499
Silver Sponsor — $2,500-$4,999
Bronze Sponsor — $1,000-$2,499
Musician Sponsor — $500-$999
Friend of the Symphony — $1-499

Please complete the form above
and mail your gift to:
Mankato Symphony Orchestra
PO Box 645
Mankato MN 56002
The Mankato Symphony Orchestra is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. No goods or services are provided by Mankato Symphony Orchestra in exchange for donations.
The Mankato Symphony Orchestra is a member of the Leave A Legacy, Mankato Area. Please contact us if you would like information on how to include MSO in your estate plans. If your company will match your gift, they may forward a Matching Gift Form to:
MSO - PO Box 645 - Mankato, MN 56002 or send an email to mso@mankatosymphony.org.